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PSSM offers a dedicated service by providing a platform where Pyramid Masters can find their life partner. We understand that the search for a partner can be challenging, and we strive to make the process easier and more convenient for Pyramid Masters. To maintain our website and provide quality services, we incur various expenses such as website maintenance, server costs, and development costs.

For domain and hosting this website, it costs 700 rupees/month. Your contributions, no matter how small, can go a long way in supporting PSSM and helping us maintain the website’s operations. It is through your generosity that we can continue to provide a free and reliable platform for Pyramid Masters to find their life partners.

Thank you for considering donating to Patriji Matrimony. Your support is highly valued and greatly appreciated. 

Please send donations for Patriji Matrimony and Maintenance In Favor of

“Dhyana Lahari Foundation INC”

A/C No. 15300200000607,


Bank of Baroda, Tirupati.


Google Pay/PhonePe: 9848152629